Living Beyond Ourselves and Making a Difference!

Living Beyond Ourselves and Making a Difference!

Dominican Republic Missions Trip: October 13-20, 2018


This fall we will embark on our first international missions trip. We have a great team of 11 people going on this trip. If you're visiting this page and have more questions about this trip, please visit  or email us at or at We're happy to answer questions to the best of our ability. 

A basic itinerary of the trip is below. Please click here for more information on the trip. 

June - First team meeting

August - Second team meeting and community project

September - Final team meeting and community project

October 12 - Leave from Cottage North to travel to hotel in a TBD location near the JFK airport. Departure @5 pm

October 13 - Fly to Santiago, DR

October 13-19 - Minister under Mission TwentyFive35 (

October 20 - Fly to JFK airport; travel back to Cottage North

What will we be doing? 
We will be working on the farm and in the local community. We will have opportunities for VBS/kids ministries, dump ministry, prayer walks, going to a detention center, hospital and more. We will keep our Facebook page updated as we go throughout the trip. 

Why go on a missions trip?
God has a heart for the whole world and has told us to go near and far with the message of the gospel. It is not just a responsibility but also a joy to go and be his ambassadors. 

Our desire is to see leaders grow and develop as they serve God together in a different culture. Be prepared to be stretched and challenged. Be watching for all the ways that God will work in the days leading to the trip, during and after. 

Prayer requests: Pray for the team to allow God to work in preparing and growing each of us to be ready to go and serve. Pray for the people in the Dominican that we will come into contact with. Pray that God will already be doing a work in their hearts. Pray for our financial needs to be met, for safety and for details to come together. Pray that we honor God above all and bring him honor. 

Cost: $1500 per person. All monies donated are non-refundable. One of the awesome things about missions trips is that more than just those physically going can take part in the trip. We so need people who are willing to partner with us in prayer and financial support. 

We are excited to announce a new fiscal partnership with Amoveo Group, a faith based nonprofit serving in communities all over the world. Cottage Ministries is newly incorporated as a non-profit, but we don't yet have our tax exempt status which means that we cannot yet offer receipts for monetary donations for tax purposes.  But our mission is in alignment with Amoveo and we now officially exist as one of their programs. Tax-deductible donations can be made out to Amoveo Group but designated to Cottage Ministries. If you wish to donate online, see below. Or you can mail a check to: 

P.O. Box 464
Media, PA 19063

**Please make sure that if you are writing a check that you list Cottage Ministries and the participant's name in the memo of the check.